Volunteers Everywhere!

Our members have been on a roll this last couple of weeks!

When you walk into the building, the sad muddy patch has been replaced with a beautiful stone garden--take a look:


Our intrepid crew showed up early on a weekend morning and transformed the Post entrance. Many thanks to Kathi Dorfmeister, Shelley Roberts, Mike McCann, Bryan Blankenship,Terry Jarvis and Kelley Russell!

To complete the social hall bar wall renovation, two of our friends from the Fraternal Order of Eagles helped move the water and drain lines for our new ice machine and get the electric in a permanent location (no more tripping hazards!). Brian Kitching, the President of the FOE did the plumbing and Brian Thornton of the FOE did the electric. We didn't manage to capture good photos of these fellows, they moved quickly. Hats off to our volunteers from the Eagles. You can bet Stu Harvey was involved in this as well.


And done:


Meanwhile, our crack team of kitchen volunteers have been cleaning, sorting and organizing the Post kitchen in preparation for an August dinner blitz!


These are exciting times at our Post. Thank you to our members and friends who are volunteering and helping make the Post better than ever!

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