Veterans Day at Post
November/08/2024 12:12 PM Filed in: Post Events
We are going to be participating in the Veterans Day Parade this year and the weather looks better than it has in years (but it's Texas). The parade is on Veterans Day, Monday November 11th.
We have sent printable parking passes to key members of the Post and Auxiliary. Early birds (with trailer) will be departing Post around 8:30 am on this coming Monday, November 11th. Others plan to car pool out at 9 or a little later. We will be serving breakfast out of mermite cans at the parade ground for those who ride.
The Post will be serving brisket (thanks Mark D$, Mike and Logan) after the parade. We are number 40 (great slot) so sometime around 1pm. The Post is also serving brats, dogs and burgers to serve throughout the day. Come hungry!

Here are the instructions from the parade coordinator:
2024 Greater Dallas Veterans Day Parade
November 11, 2024
Your Unit Name: Veterans of Foreign Wars
Chapter or Unit Name: Dallas VFW Post 6796
March Order No: 40
Parade Date: November 11, 2024
Greetings. On behalf of the Dallas Veterans Day Parade Committee and the Greater Dallas Veterans Foundation we thank you for your participation in the 27th anniversary of the Greater Dallas Veterans Day Parade. Each year of course we request participants exhibit a patriotic theme. Where possible, parade participants should wear caps or clothes identifying their military connection. It is desired that all participating organizations provide a banner identifying their parade group. As noted we are excited to return to Fair Park after several years. The following staging instruction details are provided below.
• Parade units may start forming at 9:00 A.M
• The official Parade Check-in tent is located at Gate 12 (Lot 12C) NOTE: Check in is imperative to confirm your parade position and obtain a Parade position # sign to be displayed prominently at the front or the RIGHT side of the vehicle or parade entry.
• The Parade will begin about 11:15 A.M. Specific instructions and locations will be provided at check. Parade will begin at the direction of the Parade Boss.
Entry into the Park:
• School buses will enter through Gate 11 (also known as the Lagow Gate).
• All other entries come in from Gaisford Street (no Gate #, but the Check-in tent is at Gate 12).
• Animal units (horses) enter on Gaisford and go down to the street between buildings 24 and 25. That way they can park their trailers and horses will not be "twitchy" over the bands; they'll have a relatively quiet area to wait and will be fed in as the parade passes this street.
• Personal vehicles can be parked in Lots 10B, 9B, 9A.
• After dropping the kids (bands, ROTC units), the buses will come down Pennsylvania to park in Lots 8A and B to wait.
Parade Marching Instructions:
• Units should maintain a close interval with the unit in front of them and prevent gaps from developing between units.
• Once organizations are moving in the parade, they are not allowed stop on the parade route unless so directed by a parade official, police officer, or when there is something physically impeding forward movement.
• Bands will not stop anywhere on the parade route for maneuvers or demonstrations except as outlined in rule 5 above. Such maneuvers or demonstrations are allowed if the Band continues forward progress and maintains a close interval with the unit in front of them.
• Horse Units must provide fecal cleanup for their animals following directly behind throughout the parade.
Other instructions:
• Portable Toilets are located 12B
• MAPS and a Parking Pass are attached
• No items are to be passed from parade participants to the spectators (City Ordinance). This includes but is not limited to food, drinks, candy, beads, clothing, etc.
• No alcohol is to be brought into or consumed in the staging or parade areas.
• Golf carts will be available to shuttle older participants from the parking area to their assigned starting point.
Organizations participating in the parade will be judged as they pass the Reviewing Stand in front of the Hall of Nations. Awards will be presented to the top units. Bands should be playing as they enter reviewing stand area, and we suggest a patriotic song with a marching cadence as units pass the Reviewing Stand. Please do not stop or offer a performance on the route, and do not throw anything from within the parade. We request that Bands play predominantly patriotic songs, along the parade route.
The entire committee thanks you for your participation. If you have any significant changes or issues related to your entry, please notify David Iverson, at 309-287-2936 or For specific questions about the staging area and check-in, please contact Donna Plunk at 214-398-9440 or
*IN CASE OF COLD WEATHER AND/OR RAIN BRING COAT / RAIN GEAR. If the parade is cancelled due to a severe weather situation, or other issue, we will attempt to notify participants by radio/TV, and contact as many as possible directly.
David Iverson
Parade Operations.