Ice Machine Prep


Stu Harvey, Harold Smith and I arrived at the Post yesterday morning at 7:30 a.m. to begin the demo and bar wall mods for the social hall. When we arrived, our trusty Trustee Doug Sanders was already there with kolaches.


Step 1 was to cut the carpet back to expose the underlying structure.


Measure the cutout for moving in/out of the ice machines.


We thought there was no electric at this end of the wall, but just in case Stu looked a little more. Good thing because the original cut depth might have been shocking.

missedthe wire

Here is the old non-working ice machine. It was pretty heavy so being able to slide it out sure beat trying to lift it out!


Next up we needed to do some clean out on the new location for the ice machine. Sawzall is our friend.


Give credit to those WWII guys--this stuff was built strong! It took a while but we got there and all that was left for demo day was the base clean up. Don't know what we would do without Harold.


Jimmy asked us what was up, so we showed him and got the Jimmy seal of approval.


In case you were wondering what my part was, it was the non-skilled labor job of holding things down, lifting things out, and hauling out the garbage, lol.

We have more work to do and a short amount of time before the ice machine is scheduled for delivery. We have to get a new jbox to plug in the ice machine. We also need to get a new floor drain installed, but won't be able to do that before tomorrow morning (machine is due to be delivered-installed). The existing drain is a little more than six feet from the new ice machine location; if we are lucky they will give us a pass until we have time to cut out some concrete for that drain.

With less than 24 hours we are a little anxious about the electric. Cross your fingers!

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